About WAF
The World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, Inc., was originally known as The Blue Army of Our Lady of Fatima. The name change was made when our organization was raised to the status of Public International Association of the Faithful; one global organization which would speak to the world on behalf of the Church about Fatima.
The apostolate is a Public International Association of the Faithful under the Pontifical Council for the Laity. As such, it is the only Fatima organization in the world which speaks “in the name of the Church” and “with the authority of the Church” on Fatima. It has been positioned under The Pontifical Council for the Laity because its work is chiefly the work of the lay faithful.
The apostolate’s mission is to help people learn, live and spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima in communion with the Church and in concert with The New Evangelization.
“In communion with the Church” is a reference to our official Church status as well as an assurance to all that everything we do is done under the authority of the Church and in cooperation with and support of its leadership.
“In concert with The New Evangelization” is included because it was at Fatima that St. Pope John Paul II first entrusted The New Evangelization to Our Lady, and because Fatima – taken from beginning to end – both affirms and promotes all of the principal teachings of the Church. It has been called a veritable Catechism of the Catholic Faith, and is an exceptionally effective means of evangelizing the young and the old alike.
Listen here for our interview on Redeemer Radio
The apostolate is a Public International Association of the Faithful under the Pontifical Council for the Laity. As such, it is the only Fatima organization in the world which speaks “in the name of the Church” and “with the authority of the Church” on Fatima. It has been positioned under The Pontifical Council for the Laity because its work is chiefly the work of the lay faithful.
The apostolate’s mission is to help people learn, live and spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima in communion with the Church and in concert with The New Evangelization.
“In communion with the Church” is a reference to our official Church status as well as an assurance to all that everything we do is done under the authority of the Church and in cooperation with and support of its leadership.
“In concert with The New Evangelization” is included because it was at Fatima that St. Pope John Paul II first entrusted The New Evangelization to Our Lady, and because Fatima – taken from beginning to end – both affirms and promotes all of the principal teachings of the Church. It has been called a veritable Catechism of the Catholic Faith, and is an exceptionally effective means of evangelizing the young and the old alike.
Listen here for our interview on Redeemer Radio